🏐 2025 Park Girls Volleyball Club – Codes of Conduct

As an individual affiliated with Volleyball Alberta for the 2024-2025 Season (September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025), you will agree to adhere to and abide by Volleyball Alberta’s policies and procedures:



Park Girls Volleyball Club endeavors to create a safe, fun, inclusive environment for athletes, parents, coaches, and volunteers. To that end, athletes are expected to adhere to principles of behavior as outlined below.

Athlete Behavior:

  • Come to practices and games with a positive attitude.  Be prepared to give your best effort, to be open to learning new skills, and receive feedback from coaches to ensure you have the best opportunity to learn and grow as an athlete.
  • Acknowledge coaches & teammates when arriving/leaving practices, games and events.
  • Commit to working hard for yourself, for your team and for your coaches.
  • Be supportive of your own personal growth and your teammates’ growth in the sport in practice and games.  
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after games.
  • Respect teammates, opponents, parents, coaches, officials, and spectators. Athletes are ambassadors of the club as well as the sport and should act with class and dignity as such.
  • Treat team members on and off the court as valued members of the group. Be intentional, kind and inclusive with all teammates to ensure a healthy, positive team culture. Gossip, abuse, bullying, berating, and social exclusion of members is not acceptable behavior.
  • Help foster a positive and healthy team culture within the team. Be positive and respectful toward coaches and teammates / opposing teams & athletes at all times. Communicate with the coaches / captain(s) / leadership team when negative talk or behaviors occur that may jeopardize the culture of the team.
  • Coaches are there to help you and the team to succeed. Treat them with respect and accept their decisions.
  • Be positive and respectful when interacting with coaches, officials, Volleyball Alberta staff, opposition players, opposition parents, and club parents.
  • Be mindful and refrain from negative talk, texting, emailing, or use of any other social media platform between teammates, friends, parents, other athletes. Negativity breeds disunity and bitterness in the team.
  • Have open, regular communication with the coaches from the onset of the season to help foster positive relationships and open lines of communication.
  • Respect facilities that we are fortunate enough to use. Make sure areas used are clean and follow all facility guidelines. Vandalism and theft will not be tolerated.
  • Athletes will not consume alcohol, tobacco products, vaping products, or any drugs during practices, games, tournaments, and team functions. This does not include over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs as per parent approval.
  • Phones are not to be used during practices, games or team-specific time without coach permission.  During weekend events, personal phone use and direction will be set by the coach.
  • Attend practices, games, and team events regularly and on time.
  • Notify coaches if there is a team event that cannot be attended in advance and give a reason why.
  • Inform coaches of injury or other circumstances that may prevent you from fully participating in team events.
  • Follow Volleyball Alberta and PGVC social media guidelines.

Disciplinary Guidelines:

  • All disciplinary actions will begin with the team coaching staff. If the infraction is deemed minor, the coach will deal with the player directly. If the infraction is more serious, the coach will involve the club executive and the parent. All infractions will be discussed with the players so they can provide information to the coaching staff and/or executive about the incident.
  • Minor infractions can include: inappropriate action such as disrespect to coach or official, late or absent for a team event without notifying the coach, unsportsmanlike actions, violation of team policies.
  • Consequences for minor infractions could include the assignment of extra team tasks (ie. setting up equipment, carrying volleyballs), reduction in playing time, or removal from team events for a set period of time.
  • Major infractions can include: offensive behavior (for example: discriminatory or racist comments), continual minor infractions, participation in illegal activity, and consumption of drugs or alcohol during team events.
  • The coaches reserve the right to suspend or expel a player for a major infraction.


Parents play a key role in the experience of their children in sport by helping to create a positive learning environment where athletes grow as positive role models and develop a sense of teamwork, self-worth, and sportsmanship. Each parent has the opportunity to positively or negatively influence their daughter, other team members, and other parents and families by their words and actions. As such, we ask all parents to abide by the following code of conduct:

  • Help foster a positive, inclusive team culture by cheering for and encouraging all team members at games and tournaments.
  • Be positive and respectful when interacting with coaches, officials, Volleyball Alberta staff, opposition players, opposition parents, and club parents.
  • Help foster a positive and healthy team culture within the parent group and athletes. Be positive and respectful toward coaches and athletes at all times. Communicate with the coaches / parent liaison when negative talk or behaviors occur that may jeopardize the culture of the team.
  • Refrain from negative talk, texting, emailing, or use of any other social media platform between parents, as well as between parents and their players. Negativity breeds disunity and bitterness in the team.
  • Trust your coaches in their ability to develop your athlete. Understand that coaches are experienced and qualified to assess and evaluate the skills the athletes and team must work on for team success.  Direction for practice plans and game decisions is the coaches responsibility only.
  • Encourage your athlete to have open, regular communication with the coaches from the onset of the season to help foster positive relationships and open lines of communication.
  • Encourage guests and family members to adhere to this code at team events.
  • Ensure your athletes have a ride to and from team events, practices and games.  
  • Refrain from the use of alcohol and/or drugs at athletic events and victory celebrations at the playing site. Exceptions will be made in cases where a Licenced operator is located within the event venue. With this in mind, as you are a role model for young athletes, the consumption of an alcoholic beverage should be limited.
  • Respect all facilities, including but not limited to, schools, recreation centres, sports complexes, etc, that we are fortunate enough to use. Make sure areas used are clean and follow all facility guidelines. Vandalism and theft will not be tolerated. 
  • Refrain from the use of alcohol and/or drugs within school facilities and / or property. PGVC has a zero tolerance property. 
  • Refrain from questioning an official’s or coach’s decision publicly.
  • Refrain from coaching on the sidelines. Athletes should only receive one set of instructions, given by the coaches.
  • Encourage and model sportsmanship and hard work as a path to success. 
  • Continually encourage your player, reminding them of all the things they did well in a game and that doing one’s best is as important as winning, so that they will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game/event.
  • Invest in the team by volunteering to help with team needs (ie. team manager, team treasurer, social coordinator, fundraising coordinator, scorekeeping, assisting at practices, supervision, organizing food etc.).
  • Cooling off period. If there is a disagreement with a coaching decision, wait 24hrs from the incident. Should you need to talk to the coach you should schedule an appointment to have a respectful discussion in person. Email, text or messaging communications are strongly discouraged. Personal discussions with the coach is the first point of contact. Athletes 14U and up are encouraged to initiate a conversation with the coach first.
  • Inform coaches of injury or other circumstances that may prevent a player from fully participating in team events.

Parent Violations:

Parents who do not follow the Parent Code of Conduct will be subject to corrective action. It is the philosophy of the Park Girls Volleyball Club that parents shall not spoil the experience of the athletes within youth sports. The following guidelines have been established for addressing problems with parents/spectators. Note: These guidelines are not absolute in addressing behavior concerns. Extreme situations may result in more severe consequences.

  1. Verbal Warning: The coach with support from the PGVC board, will discuss the undesirable behavior/conduct with parents and stress that the behaviour will not be tolerated. The coach(es) will document the discussion and share with PGVC.
  2. Written Warning: The Coach will notify PGVC of the continued breach of the Parent Code of Conduct. PGVC will arrange a meeting with the parents. A formal letter of reprimand will be given to the parent stating that the next offense could lead to a suspension, a ban or athlete dismissal from the team.
  3. Match Suspension: Should another breach or a significant breach of the Parent Code of Conduct occur, PGVC will provide the parent/guardian a formal letter explaining that the parent will be banned from attending the next match. The next offense could result in a season-long suspension or athlete dismissal from the team.
  4. Season Long Suspension: The parent will be banned from attending any future games and/or events related to the team. The parent will remain on suspension until a formal request for reinstatement is made. PGVC will review the reinstatement request and determine if the suspension will be lifted..
  5. Athlete Dismissal: In extreme circumstances the athlete will be dismissed/removed from the team.

Release: When a parent(s) and a coach and/or coaching team are not able to find common ground to work together in a positive environment, an athlete may be released from the team and PGVC.



We are committed to developing all team members with the technical skills required in the sport of volleyball by focusing on their physical literacy, mental resilience and social connectedness, in a positive team environment. It is our goal to provide all athletes with a positive experience in a competitive team environment and to develop strong and respectful players.


  • Playtime is equal for the first two sets of every match.  All players listed on the roster will play one full set of every match.
  • Playtime is earned in 3rd games.
  • Practice attendance, punctuality, attitude, work ethic, commitment to learning, consistency, lineup chemistry, and support of team members will factor into who plays in the third set. 

Team housekeeping:

  • As team members arrive at team events, they will greet each person who is already there one on one. As each team member leaves, they will say goodbye to each team member still there.
  • Team members commit to letting the coaching staff know 24 hrs in advance of team events that they cannot attend and a reason why.
  • Team members will value their teammates’ time. Athletes will arrive at least 15 minutes before practice with all required personal items (knee pads, shoes, water bottle etc), and be 100% ready to go 5 minutes before practice. Arrival times for games and tournaments will be decided by the coaching staff.
  • Team members will be respectful and listen when a coach is talking (eg. hold balls, refrain from visiting & chatting) 
  • Team members will be committed to hustle during drills, between drills, to and from water breaks (no walking / strolling) to keep the energy and engagement up.
  • Team members strive for a 2/3 success rate for execution of drills in practice.
  • All players are responsible for setting up and taking down practice equipment.
  • All players are responsible for team equipment at tournaments and games.
  • Follow curfew and social guidelines outlined by the coaching staff.
  • Players will follow all Park Girls Volleyball Club (PGVC) and Volleyball Alberta codes of conduct.


  • Team members commit to improving 1% each day.
  • Success is measured by meeting our goals, not winning, or losing.
  • Team members commit to helping other members get better, by striving to give their best at practice.
  • Team members commit to take pride in their team and their role in the team.
  • Treat teammates with respect, and as valued members of the group.
  • Team members will encourage other members and commit to actively supporting each other on and off the court.
  • Players commit to guard and defend their team by not fostering cliques, not allowing negative talk about team members from anyone, or engaging in any behavior which undermines team unity, chemistry or morale. These are standards that we expect from all PGVC athletes and are intended to influence your enjoyment within this team, as well as how much you improve. 
  • Personal problems between players will be dealt with face to face between the players. If a resolution cannot be reached, a coach will get involved.
  • Treat coaches with respect and be patient with them.
  • Coaches will provide constructive feedback. Take it as an opportunity to learn and improve, not as an attack on your character. Coaches genuinely want you to get better and are trying to help.
  • Coaches ask that feedback be viewed as an opportunity to grow and improve.  Coaches will be open to discussing their feedback in a positive growth-oriented manner.  Explanations are valued, excuses will not help you grow.
  • Always, always, be honest with your coaches. If they ask a question, it’s because they value your answer. Honest open conversation is key in learning and improving together.

Coaches Commitment:

  • To make every effort to treat all players equally.
  • Treat athletes with respect and be patient with them.
  • Make the well-being of all team members the top priority.
  • To value each member as a person and a player.
  • Commit to improve 1% per day.
  • Commit to give players an opportunity to communicate, and actively listen to them.
  • To build a safe, positive, fun, and inclusive environment.
  • To value player’s and parent’s investment of time and finances.
  • To always be honest with players and parents.



The team is the most important thing. No one person or player is more important than the team. Only when all members decide to work towards the goal of doing their part to make the team the best it can be, will the team have its best chance for success.


  • Playtime is earned in scrimmages, games, and mainly in practice. Starting roles are earned.
  • Stats, personal attitude, and aptitude will determine who plays.
  • Practice attendance, punctuality, attitude, work ethic, commitment to learning our systems, consistency, lineup chemistry, and support of team members will affect play time.
  • Playtime is no longer equal. Coaches will ensure that every athlete plays in a minimum of 4 sets over the course of a Premier Tournament provided that the above points are met by the athlete. Coaches will have discussions with athletes when playtime may be impacted as a result.
  • All players that are not under disciplinary action or injured will play at premiers. How much is determined by the above points.

Team housekeeping:

  • As team members arrive at team events, they will greet each person who is already there one on one. As each team member leaves, they will say goodbye to each team member still there.
  • Team members commit to letting the coaching staff know 24 hrs in advance of team events that they cannot attend and a reason why.
  • Team members will value their teammates’ time. Athletes will arrive at least 15 minutes before practice with all required personal items (knee pads, shoes, water bottle etc), and be 100% ready to go 5 minutes before practice. Arrival times for games and tournaments will be decided by the coaching staff.
  • Team members will be respectful and listen when a coach is talking (eg. hold balls, refrain from visiting & chatting) 
  • Team members will be committed to hustle during drills, between drills, to and from water breaks (no walking / strolling) to keep the energy and engagement up.
  • Team members strive for a 2/3 success rate for execution of drills in practice.
  • All players are responsible for set up and take down of practice equipment.
  • All players are responsible for team equipment at tournaments and games.
  • Follow curfew and social guidelines outlined by the coaching staff.
  • Players will follow all Park Girls Volleyball Club (PGVC) and Volleyball Alberta codes of conduct.


  • Team members commit to improving 1% each day.
  • Success is measured by meeting our goals, not winning, or losing.
  • Members commit to helping other members get better, by striving to give their best at practice.
  • Players commit to take pride in their team and their role in the team.
  • Treat teammates with respect, and as valued members of the group.
  • Team members will encourage other members and commit to actively supporting each other on and off the court
  • Players commit to guard and defend their team by not fostering cliques, not allow negative talk about team members from anyone, or engage in any behavior which undermines team unity, chemistry or morale. These are standards that we expect from all PGVC athletes and are intended to influence your enjoyment within this team, as well as how much you improve.
  • Personal problems between players will be dealt with face to face between the players. If a resolution cannot be reached, a coach will get involved.
  • Treat coaches with respect and be patient with them.
  • Coaches will provide constructive feedback. Take it as an opportunity to learn and improve, not as an attack on your character. Coaches genuinely want you to get better and are trying to help.
  • Coaches ask that feedback be viewed as an opportunity to grow and improve.  Coaches will be open to discussing their feedback in a positive growth-oriented manner.  Explanations are valued, excuses will not help you grow.
  • Always, always, be honest with your coaches. If they ask a question, it’s because they value your answer. Honest open conversation is key in learning and improving together.

Coaches Commitment:

  • To make every effort to treat all players equally.
  • Treat athletes with respect and be patient with them.
  • Make the well-being of all team members the top priority.
  • To value each member as a person and a player.
  • Commit to improve 1% per day.
  • Commit to give players an opportunity to communicate, and actively listen to them.
  • To build a safe, positive, fun, and inclusive environment.
  • To value player’s and parent’s investment of time and finances.
  • To always be honest with players and parents.